Taper Tantrums?

Hello all,

A quick update on how it’s all going with the taper at t-minus 9 days. Somewhat surreal is the answer!

Last week was a weird one as we were skiing so I was totally detached from the whole thing –  we were doing some moderately physical activity every day although nothing like the 13/15/17/20 mile runs I’d been doing in previous weeks; however the fact that we were busy and active every day kept the “maranoia” at bay.

Back into it this week with a fast 3 mile earlier in the week and today a 7 mile run / 3 mile walk-run combo (link here – note Garmin battery fail at the 7 mile mark so the finish line is at an odd place!) and feeling great right now.

So I’m very much ready for next week – not really nervous and definitely not apprehensive, just can’t wait to be there! The training really has paid off and 0-20 miles over a period of 7-8 months has been the way to do this.

Sponsorship wise, we are SO close to target now – over £2.5K with gift aid for this unique and dedicated Autism charity is not to be sneezed at but I KNOW we can smash this target and beyond.  Thank you so much to all the sponsors so far – and if you haven’t sponsored me, please do, it would really mean a lot for this amazing amazing charity and it would be fantastic to go into the Marathon knowing I’ve hit the target. Link here: SPONSOR ME!!

Thanks everyone for reading and for all your support – it really means a lot on this journey. Peace, love and happy Easter.


One Reply to “Taper Tantrums?”

  1. Andy – you certainly seem to be in the right place to have a great run on the day. Your determination has brought you to this point and it will definitely see you through to the Finish. We’re only sorry that we can’t be there on the day to vicariously bathe in your success and cheer you on , as we are in Sweden. Very best wishes for an enjoyable and satisfying marathon. Viv & Jeff xx

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