About time for another update. Training has been going VERY well and I’m on target. A good friend recently shared this training plan with me and I’m trying to follow that as best possible. I can definitely say that i’m now in ‘the zone’ – highlights include:
- Some decent near-5K runs around the hills of Speen – VERY hard running for those of you that know; unless one wants a really boring run it’s near-impossible to not hit some rather harsh terrain.
- Some reasonable treadmill work.
- I even got out for a pretty good 3K last weekend with a colleague whilst on a work jolly in Belfast – what a great hangover cure / kick start to the day.
- And finally, I achieved a pretty good time / pacing on my first 5K road run this morning. Very happy with that.
- Generally I am out running now around 5 times a week and enjoying it.
So all going well, training is going to plan, diet and general wellbeing is good – including more sleep which works really well.
More updates soon!